Alberto Balletti (IT)
Alberto Balletti’s etchings are part-coloured, part-monochromatic. The character’s coloured faces direct our attention to their facial expressions.
Alberto Balletti’s etchings are part-coloured, part-monochromatic. Coloured faces direct our attention to their facial expressions. The character’s frowns, combined with the black thin lines dispersed over the pieces, create a dark atmosphere. In the works, humans and, in some works, skulls, are placed side by side, as if compared. This further reinforces the overall tense atmosphere of the piece. By being naked, the subjects are limited to their original human form, making them more vulnerable in front of the observer. The skulls also remind us of this original biological human form. Balletti highlights that we are organic living beings, all equal, despite present day social construct.

Alberto Balletti (IT)
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