Galleri Heike Arndt DK
Berlin Friedrichshain
Open: Mo-Fr 11-19 Sat 11-18

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Galleri Heike Arndt DK
Kettinge Lolland Falster
OPEN :SUNDAYS 11-16 or by appointment

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Where can you find good and interesting art on Lolland and Falster and in Berlin Friedrichshain?
Certainly with us.

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What exactly is art? And how can we separate the good art from the crowd?
What is art?
Art is boundless and embraces the diversity of human creativity.
What does the concept of art actually cover? Art is a visual representation; a narrative, an emotion and an invisible bridge between creator and viewer. The definition of art extends beyond technique and materials. It is a journey into the mind, inviting thoughts, attitudes and experiences through the work.

The definition of art
Defining art in a single way is a challenge because it is so diverse. Art can manifest itself in many art forms such as visual art, sculpture, music, dance and literature. It reflects observations from life, society, nature and the mind to create something that reaches out to the viewer.

What is good art?
Good art has an authentic voice, an identity and the ability to reach out and touch the viewer. Art is carried by technical skill, emotional resonance and depth of message, and is subjective and varies from person to person.
Good art enriches our lives by challenging our perspectives, touching our emotions and engaging our minds, moving beyond aesthetics.

Why is art important?
It enriches our senses, inspires our creativity and carries our history through the ages. Art has the ability to influence, mirror and reflect our society.
When is something art? It’s a question that is constantly evolving and changing. The definition of art is largely determined by the individual, changing and challenging with the diversity of experience.

So drop by and let yourself be enchanted by the magic of art.




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Today, we are introducing you to the artist Vilma Leino (FI) from our exhibition FRESH LEGS Berlin 2024, shown at Galleri Heike Arndt DK Berlin.

👉 You can find her work on our webshop:

Meet Vilma Leino…

Berlin-based Finnish artist Vilma Leino brings surrealist fantasies to life through captivating digital photography. Her vibrant colors, quirky compositions, and static, doll-like subjects create a sense of intrigue and whimsical appeal. Often featuring herself as a model, Leino adds a personal touch to her imaginative scenes, making each piece feel like an animated dream.

Leino's work challenges viewers to engage with the narrative, exploring the emotions and ideas behind each composition. Her unique blend of familiar and fantastical elements blurs the boundaries between reality and imagination, creating a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant viewing experience.

Step into Vilma Leino's vibrant world and uncover the stories within her surreal photographs.

Explore and read more about @vauhtivilma :
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Today, we are introducing you to the artist MI AE JO (KR) from our exhibition FRESH LEGS Berlin 2024, shown at Galleri Heike Arndt DK Berlin.

👉 You can find her work on our webshop:

Berlin-based Korean artist Mi Ae Jo creates textured paper sculptures that form complex wall sculptures with hidden stories. Jos signature technique of cutting and curling book pages transforms words and sentences into new patterns, mirroring the fluidity of our mental processes. The layered messages in her sculptures reflect the way our thoughts often overlap and intertwine. The shapes and forms create a rich landscape that engages our eyes as we reflect on the tangled narratives. 

Explore and read more about @neumiae : attachmentImage attachment

Today, we are introducing you to the artist MI AE JO (KR) from our exhibition FRESH LEGS Berlin 2024, shown at Galleri Heike Arndt DK Berlin.

👉 You can find her work on our webshop:

Berlin-based Korean artist Mi Ae Jo creates textured paper sculptures that form complex wall sculptures with hidden stories. Jo's signature technique of cutting and curling book pages transforms words and sentences into new patterns, mirroring the fluidity of our mental processes. The layered messages in her sculptures reflect the way our thoughts often overlap and intertwine. The shapes and forms create a rich landscape that engages our eyes as we reflect on the tangled narratives.

Explore and read more about @neumiae :
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📢 Sidste chance: Kun 2 uger tilbage af vores 🌞 SOMMERUDSTILLING 2024 🌞 i Kettinge! 📢

📅🕚 Gå ikke glip af vores særlige sommer åbningstider! Vi har åbent hver dag fra kl. 11-16 indtil d. 11. august. 📅🕚

📍 Rågelundevej 9, 4892 Kettinge, Lolland Falster (DK)
+45 60 90 24 81


Hvis du udforsker de smukke sydhavsøer, Lolland-Falster, skal du sørge for at komme forbi og opleve vores unikke galleri med international kunst. Med over 500 unikke værker fra vores galleri i Berlin er denne udstilling en fejring af mangfoldighed og kontrast. Fra skulpturer og malerier til tegninger og grafiske tryk, vil du utallige stemninger fra det finurlige til det dybe 🌍

Henover sommeren har vores Galleri Heike Arndt DK været fyldt med besøgende, og flere værker er allerede blevet solgt, så husk at besøge os snart!

Kan du ikke nå det inden d. 11. august? Ingen grund til bekymring! Udstillingen fortsætter indtil d. 30. september. Efter d. 11. august har vi åbent om søndagen og efter aftale på andre hverdage.

Vent ikke - planlæg dit besøg i dag og bliv en del af dette kunstneriske eventyr. Vi glæder os til at byde dig velkommen!

#sidstechance #sommerudstilling #Kettinge #kunst #lollandfalster #internationalkunst #galleriheikearndtdk #sommeråbningstide #kunstudstilling #skulpturer #malerier #tegninger #grafisketryk #kunsteventyr #besøgo
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I dag præsenterer vi Gail Skudera (US) fra vores udstilling SCOUT 2023/24.

📌Du kan finde hendes værker i vores webshop:

Ved hjælp af printteknikker leger Skudera med komposition og kombinerer modsatrettede sort-hvide fotografier på lærred. Hoveder adskilles fra kroppe, figurer adskilles og splejses sammen igen, hvilket skaber en uhyggelig og spændende effekt for beskueren. Forskellige scener lægges oven på hinanden og skaber et helt nyt multibillede. Hendes motiver brydes og skilles ad, hvilket giver en næsten kubistisk stemning.

👉 Læs mere om Gail Skudera (US) på vores hjemmeside:
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