Anna Kiiskinen (FI)

Anna Kiiskinen (FI)
Text written by GHA

The small-format drypoint etchings of Anna Kisskinen in delicate pastel colours allow patterns and figures to appear in subtle interactions.

A faint, light expression and an airy texture, reminiscent of embroidery or fabric, characterises the images, at times making them resemble tapestries or curtains. This notion of interior decoration in combination with the pastel colours and childlike figures conveys a sense of memories, linking domestic fragments to childhood experiences. At first glance, the compositions appear to split their motifs into layers and let figures stand out from backgrounds made up of vignettes in imaginary settings. On closer inspection, however, it seems as if the foreground and background come off on each other and merge in playful interactions, making it difficult to determine where one object begins and another ends. 

Anna Kiiskinen (FI)

This peculiar interchange elegantly demonstrates how characters and surroundings perpetually influence and permeate one another, inviting viewers to consider how we are inevitably embedded in our environment and upbringing.

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