Azim F. Becker (DE)

Azim F. Becker (DE)
Text written by GHA

“Azim F. Becker’s sculptures visualize anonymous human representatives by combining hyper-realistic silicone body parts with movable fabric. The undefined form offers a variety of expressive possibilities based on positioning and reflecting the great importance of perception.”

Becker’s innovative use of materials and forms challenges traditional notions of sculpture. The anonymized body parts, limited to arms and feet, and a body consisting of only one piece of fabric, force the viewer to take a more universal approach to interpreting body language. Only skin color and an approximate age can be read here and thus the narrative is mainly readable from the positioning of these hyper-realistic body parts made of silicone and the fabric used, which is also indicative.

Azim F. Becker (DE)

Each work changes depending on the perspective and position of the sculpture, emphasizing the subjective nature of perception and understanding. Becker thus highlights themes such as identity and emotions in an almost playful way, questioning and examining the bias of the viewer. The artist’s challenging sculptures question the communication parameters that are necessary in order to engage with other people.


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