Ewelina Kolakowska (PL)

Ewelina Kolakowska (PL)

Ewelina Kolakowska’s intaglios picture dark entangled expressionistic naked bodies. A sombre atmosphere is created through the prints’ monochromatic black colour.

The seen body parts, such as hands and legs are creating one complex anthropomorphic form, carrying a great expressive dynamic.
For this series of works, Kolakowska focused on the union of bodies forming one. In the works, one body color is lighter whilst the other seems only to exist as a dark shadow. Both subjects unite perfectly, creating a strong visual representation. The curved lines resulting from the visual unity of the two figures create grace and balance but also the struggle of this coupling. Lines and the strong black are vital in order to shape uniformal and organic figures, οffering the impression of a third dimension. 

Ewelina Kolakowska (PL)

The bodies embrace in a way that their faces are hiding, revealing gender fluid characteristics, open to the viewer to reflect their own experiences and emotions. This physical and emotional connection the figures are experiencing can be seen as a tender and emotional but also highly psychological charged moment, reminding the viewer of the resemblance of yin and yung.

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