Gabriella Göransson (NO)

Gabriella Göransson (NO)
Text written by GHA

“Göransson’s papersculptures in small-format boxes are a fascinating fusion of textures, contrats and colors. Layers of handmade paper address filigree and complexity.The three-dimensional forms of organic beauty appeal to the viewer’s curiosity.”

In addition to large installations, the Norwegian artist Gabriella Göransson presents carefully created, small-format wall sculptures. Made of hand-crafted paper in bright colors and interesting textures, the series ‘Container’ focuses on three-dimensional floral forms that unfold in a frame.These works show the potential of handmade paper and encourage the viewer to explore their limited space of these objects, resisting their own temptation to touch them due to their natural forms.

Gabriella Göransson (NO)

The twisted forms and use of negative space create a visual movement similar to that of organic beauty, such as flower petals, plant structures, rippling puddles or mountainous contour lines. The narrative behind these works is not formulated, but exploratory, reinforcing the simile of natural growth. A key value in Göransson’s broader artistic practice is her site-specific responses. These works often unfold on an expansive scale.  In contrast, in her small formats we see an exploration of a more condensed space. This invites the viewer to delve into the works and look at them up close in order to engage with movement and growth in the confined space.

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