Joe Tsambiras (US)

Joe Tsambiras (US)
Text written by GHA

Tsambiras’ etchings evoke a sense of growth and connection through intricate lines supported by warm watercolour tones.

The organic shapes and structures against white, minimalist backgrounds create a mystical atmosphere, reminiscent of pages from a medieval manuscript dedicated to alchemy or witchcraft. Fine black and white lines define each element of the composition. Some objects are highlighted with watercolours and coloured ink, while others are made up of blue lines that give each shape a new visual character. The contrast between the different shapes, colours and lines arouses the viewer’s curiosity and encourages them to explore this fascinating visual puzzle.

Joe Tsambiras (US)

Each work shows different life forms such as insects, plants, roots, fungi but also human body fragments, all co-existing and interacting with each other. The occasionally implemented figures often hold objects or gesture, hinting at a hidden narrative. In his prints, Tsambiras seemingly explores the interconnectedness and interdependence of all living things.

His enigmatic and playful world captivates the viewer, leaving them intrigued and questioning at the same time as they try to get to the bottom of its mystery and search for stories. The recognisable elements constantly produce new combinations and so the true nature of these creatures remains unfathomable.

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