Katarina Nedeljković (RS)

Katarina Nedeljković (RS)
Text written by GHA

“Nedeljkovic’s large-scale black-and-white charcoal drawings depict carefully positioned female nudes that embody complex emotions. The lack of facial expressions, the carefully calculated postures and the focus on the hands intensify the confrontation with the presented female vulnerability.

The Serbian artist Katarina Nedeljkovic explores in her charcoal-drawings the complexities of womanhood through her female nudes. By blurring out facial expressions, Nedeljkovic guides the viewer’s focus to the powerful body language of her figures, conveying emotions and thoughts through their posture and hand gestures. Nedeljkovic’s artistic style is remarkable for its ability to convey the complexity of human emotions, achieved through the deliberate mixture of contrasting textures and expressive body language in her large-scale black-and-white drawings. The figures she depicts are not perfect idealizations of youthful bodies, but lived in bodies bearing visible signs of a life lived.

Katarina Nedeljković (RS)

Nedeljkovic’s works capture touch on the complex questions surrounding female identity, using gentle yet powerful strokes to showcase her anonymized portraits. These protagonists confront us with their emotional vulnerability, but at the same time radiate a sense of confidence and self-assurance. Viewers are invited to enjoy the natural beauty of these expressively drawn bodies, but also to rethink their approach to their own body image.  Thoughts on the stigmatization of body image in today’s society can certainly be questioned. Nedeljkovic expresses femininity through exposing the viewers to the visible strength and self-confidence of her carefully positioned figures. With bold strokes, she succeeds in depicting the hidden emotional complexity and vulnerability of these nude women without sexualizing them.

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Artwork 1                                                          Artwork 2