Katharina Kleinfeld was born in Göttingen, Germany. Her glass installations are delicate and endearing, resembling cobweb patterns, bubbles and cloud-like formations.
In regards to form, her stylistic repetition promotes transition, interaction and rhythm. Particularly when suspended from the ceiling, the glass structures capture a childlike state of curiosity, encouraging the viewer to look up, look around and explore.
In the selection of works at Galleri Heike Arndt DK, the artist takes sheets of paper with writing and transforms them, delivering something more than expected of these objects: volume, expression and meaning beyond the written word.
These structures capture a childlike state of curiosity, encouraging the viewer to look around and explore.

Katharina Kleinfeld
However, the lack of colour creates a sense of emptiness, as if the childish forms have evolved to the state of adulthood and lost their innocence
The text she employs in these artworks is, for the most part, hidden from the spectator, giving the sense that the artwork’s meaning will never be fully acknowledged.
For this text to be fully exposed, the shapes and movement that make Katharina Kleinfeld’s paper sculptures would have to be destroyed, taking away its very own meaning.
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