Luanderson Santos (BR)

Luanderson Santos (BR)
Text written by GHA

“Luanderson Santo’s colorful figurative drawings illustrate everyday life in a tropical environment. The figures merge with the environment and visualize spirituality and cultural connectedness but question also the hope for a harmonious intertwining of culture and nature.”

Brazilian artist Luanderson Santos brings the multi-layered world of the tropics to life with his colorful pencil paintings. Santos’ works, which blend realism and abstract elements, are characterized by their rich and intense colour palette.  Each work is a vivid portrait of the tropical landscape in which the environment and the people who inhabit it are visually connected.The artist’s signature style is characterized by the seamless merging of subject and environment, creating a sense of connection between man and nature.

Luanderson Santos (BR)

The presented harmony reflects people’s deep connection to the land and its culture. Beyond the depiction of his native culture, Santos’ work also speaks to the universal human connection to nature. His paintings invite the viewer to question their own relationship with nature.The seemingly mundane, relaxed and colorful scenery appears as a celebration of life in the tropics, capturing the beauty and complexity, and celebrating the coexistence of culture and nature in harmony. His images offer a glimpse into a vibrant, interconnected world and inspire the viewer to experience it for themselves.

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