Pinelopi Vasilaki (GR)

Pinelopi Vasilaki (GR)
Text written by GHA

“Pinelopi Vasilaki’s figurative colored pencil drawings show people absorbed in themselves, often combined with animals and plants in harmonious, bright colors. An almost meditative pictorial composition suggests a deep connection between the subjects, arousing fascination and curiosity.”

In her figurative colored pencil drawings, Greek artist Pinelopi Vasiklaki explores the meditative connection between humans and their surroundings. Vasikali inserts animals, fruits and plants into her backgrounds in artificial but harmonious colors. Immersed in this environment, her figures radiate a deep calm and connection that encourages self-reflection.Vasilaki’s drawings are introverted, with a pleasant sensitivity that envelops the viewer. The thoughtfulness and contemplative expression convey a youthful curiosity, but also uncertainty and reticence. The lack of a situational setting reinforces this sense of decontextualization.

Pinelopi Vasilaki (GR)

The figures with their closed eyes suggest an internalization of emotions, as if they were closing themselves off from the viewer’s gaze and trying to force introspection.  Regardless of whether they are self-portraits or imaginary protagonists, the artist touches on a universal need for orientation in the self-discovery phase of early adulthood. In her figures with feminine features, it seems obvious that they are grappling with questions of identity. Often surrounded by nature and animals, the protagonists appear comforted and stabilized by these elements reminiscent of still lifes. The depictions of the animals show an empathetic but also cautious attitude and are left to interpretation. Their sensitive interaction with the figure and the surrounding positions them as guiding figures or communicative companions.

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