Scott Fisk (US)

Scott Fisk (US)
Text/Translation GHA

American graphic artist Scott fisk’s work is reminiscent of the design of the mid 20th century. He uses antique wood blocks and letterpress technique to achieve their faded effect. The prints are inspired by simple and colorful geometric shapes that have been layered in a way that resembles a subtractive light effect, creating new color values. The viewer is captivated to explore the chromatic design enhanced by the presence of the wood texture. 

When merging together, the colors create an extra element to the print, allowing the viewer to see more colors than when observed initially. The evenness of the shapes in his work mirror barks of a tree or logs of wood. The familiar structure and color recur in each of his prints with minor changes in the selected colors and its intensity.

Scott Fisk

Besides the change in color selection, the width of the vertical stripes differ in each print too, although they seem to remain the same on a print. This creates an almost visually soothing effect on the viewer.

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