André Catarino (PT)

André Catarino (PT)
Text written by GHA

“André Catarino’s black and white ink drawings depict post-apocalyptic atmospheric images of deserted urban spaces. Well-considered use of perspective, symmetry and contrast question the importance of current living spaces.”

Portuguese artist Andre Catarino captures an eerie yet suspenseful atmosphere in his meticulous ink drawings of abandoned buildings. Through his strategic use of perspective, symmetry and contrasting light, he gives each composition its own unique narrative. The viewer is invited to curiously explore these deserted urban landscapes. Whether it appears menacing or exciting, the viewer is consumed by the atmosphere.The exaggerated fisheye perspective creates an engulfing composition, inviting the viewer to analyse these vast surroundings. The feeling of the unknown is intriguing and allows the viewer to slowly explore and question each scenario.

André Catarino (PT)

All drawings are characterized by a heavy contrast between light and shadow. Windows appear as bright, white lighthouses, while the darker areas are stagnant, leading into boundless abysses. Without titles, the locations are unexplained, leaving it up to the audience to orient themselves within the scene. Detailed linework reveals clues of the whereabouts to the viewer, such as tiles on the floor, hanging wires and reflective puddles. Scattered objects hint at previous human presence and create a post-apocalyptic atmosphere. However, the circumstances are open to interpretation; perhaps these spaces address the beauty of transience, but also the ambivalence of abandonment, the forgotten, the now useless.

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