Bernhard Hetzenauer (AT)

Bernhard Hetzenauer (AT)
Text written by GHA

“Bernhard Hetzenauer, an filmmaker of Austrian origin living in Mexico, creates a distinctive form of personal storytelling in his videography that echoes the style of autobiographical documentaries.  In his work, he skillfully combines visual footage with a powerful voice of the protagonist or narrator to create a coherent story. This blend of visual and verbal elements creates a rich and engaging audiovisual experience, revealing a deep and meaningful narrative and backstory as it unfolds.”

Through the seamless integration of atmospheric black and white shots, combined slideshows, close-ups and wide shots, Bernhard Hetzenauer’s work creates an immersive experience that takes the patient viewer on an unexpected journey. The deliberate pacing and careful composition of each shot fuses visual and verbal elements, allowing the story to unfold in a way that shows deep engagement and empathy.

Bernhard Hetzenauer (AT)

The thoughtful use of light and shadow, precise framing and poignant monologues capture the essence of the human experience, making the films both intimate and universal. Through stories featuring people from different walks of life and countries, Hetzenauer explores themes of human pain and the will and strength to survive. Although each story is unique, they all share the universal theme of human pain that is powerfully conveyed.Hetzenauer’s unique approach to storytelling makes his films a powerful reflection of the human experience. His work leaves a lasting impression due to its authenticity and emotional depth.


Still 1                                                          Still 2



The short film with the German title “Wann habe ich aufgehört, dir meine Träume zu erzählen?”(“When did I stop telling you my dreams?”) follows the journey of a grandchild as he comes to terms with ageing, decline and the loss of a beloved grandparent. The montage of black and white photos and the grandson’s heartfelt slow monologue take the viewer on a reflective and thought-provoking journey. The grandson’s story is a poignant tribute to his grandmother’s life, capturing the beauty and fragility of her final years and leaving the viewer with questions about their own relationships. 

Trailer – “Wann habe ich aufgehört, dir meine Träume zu erzählen?”

The short film “The Birthmark”, created in collaboration with Pia Ilonka Schenk Jensen, captures the pain of a mother mourning the loss of her daughter. The narrative unfolds through the mother’s emotional monologue, supported only by minimal visual elements, forcing the viewer to develop their own imaginary images and focus on the accompanying voice. This intimate perspective deepens the connection to her grief and allows the viewer to empathize deeply with her pain.

Trailer – “The Birthmark”

The Spanish-language short film “A God’s Shadow” lets the viewer participate in the life story of a man in rural Mexico, who tells of his community’s tormented past and his own experiences in an almost folkloric narrative style. The black-and-white film alternates seamlessly between intimate close-ups of faces and atmospheric landscape and village scenes, creating a haunting atmosphere. Superstition and spirituality as part of the narrative question the necessity and importance of survival mechanisms.

Trailer – “A God’s Shadow”