Support Ukrainian Artists

Support Ukrainian Artists

Four Ukrainian artists from our current exhibition in need of help.

Amount raised so far:

€ 2634 / 19635 DKR


thank you for your continued support! We will continue to update this page.

We at the Galleri Heike Arndt DK are choosing to arrange a donation fund in support of them.

The artists in question are Anna Voitiuk, Drimaylo Mykhailo, Roman Haideichuk, and Serhii Hulievych.

The Artworks can be seen in our current Graphic salon exhibition in Berlin and Kettinge.

We encourage you to buy their art pieces for a higher price than the ones listed in support of the cause. The gallery will not take any commission from the sale of the artwork. It is also possible to directly donate to the fund without any purchase. Any amount of donations will help the cause. The total amount raised in the fund will be directly donated to reestablish a graphic studio the four artists and hopefully other Ukrainian artists can work after the end of the war.

You can place your order request and choose the amount you want to pay.

or donate directly using the link below


Roman Haideichuk’s  art is driven by his architectural approach. The artist creates highly contrasted and captivating map-like prints of urban landscapes.

Read more about the artist>>>>here

See more on our webshop>>>>here


Mykhailo Drimaylo’s colourful etchings present peculiar compositions, exploring isolation and questioning our position and interaction with our surroundings.

Read more about the artist>>>>here

See more on our webshop>>>>here


Anna Voitiuk’s monochrome and highly detailed aquatints present personified animals conquering the human’s world in a fairytale manner.

Read more about the artist>>>>here

See more on our webshop>>>>here


Serhii Hulievych’s figurative and hypnotising black and white etchings question the audience about the state of our mind and if we can predict the future.

Read more about the artist>>>>here

See more on our webshop>>>>here

Artists Supporting Artists

The following artists have kindly offered that the profits from any purchase of their artwork will also go towards supporting the Ukrainian artists.

Click on any of the following images to see the Artwork