Marina Skepner (DE)

Marina Skepner (DE)
Text written by GHA

Russian-German painter Marina Skepner chooses oil to etch her dark and ominous fables of adolescent solitude onto paper. Thick and bold brush strokes characterise her expansive work, expressing the raw and emotional state of her idle subjects. 

Within her work, there exists an interconnection between light and dark tones who complement the overall sombre ambiance of the artist’s work.

With this in mind, there is an undeniable emotional impact on the viewer— possibly leaving some to be submerged by the melancholic effects at play.

This very dramatic atmosphere pilots the viewer through the emotional implications of one’s youthful turmoil, a subject which implicates each viewer alike; it is a committedly personal affair.

Marina Skepner (DE)

Choosing to explore the essence of youthfulness, Skepner often grapples with the theme of self-identity. Longing for company, the curious focus of each of her works takes centre stage within the composition as they become detached from both her physical and figurative narrative. Skepner’s work seeks to underline the importance of memory, inviting the viewer to recall hidden truths within themselves.

Whilst the concept of seclusion is well-understood today, Skepner’s style ensures to highlight the themes taboo nature, creating a vacuum and demanding her audience to scrutinise their own conditioning, possibly questioning their very own formative years.

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