Heike Arndt Drawings

Heike Arndt Drawings

written by Alanna Dongowski

Heikes Ink drawings add a more minimalistic side to her work. Dividing the paper into sections with her clear lines and quick strokes, she cuts out simplistic human figures.

For the longest time Heike used to draw with oil on paper. She preferred the flowing of the paint over dry mediums like pencils. While her early drawings are rather colourful and similar to aquarel, her stay in China has moved her towards simpler forms and color schemes.

The ink she uses now is mostly black, allowing for great contrasts. Her subjects display similarly contrasting traits: Overbearing parental figures stand beside their kids, lonely people filling whole paperframes with their mass while being barely more than an outlined void. 

On the rare occasion Heike Arndt uses colour, the inks add earthy tones, keeping the drawings muffled and earnest.

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